Thursday, September 8, 2011


Gnar: Hey Exning thank you for taking the time today to do this interview! Can you tell us how you got into getting tattoos?

Exning: I got into tattoos when I was a baby girl. My mom has a few and I snuck out when I was 14 and got some of my own (two poorly done stars on my stomach). I've never felt comfortable in my own skin, and when there's ink of it, I feel so much more at home with myself. There wasn't anyone I specifically looked up to, but I always knew I wanted to be covered and hide my skin.

Gnar: Very awesome!! Do you have any plans for your next few tattoos yet?

Exning: Oh yes haha. I was a gypsy girl with a doctors mask on because im allergic to everything to cover the rest of my arm that's empty, possibly in a bubble as well. Seahorse and jellyfish on my leg, a shit load of cats, my two bunnies, portrait of my mom, the chemical symbols for coffee and lithium, much more and not enough skin.

Gnar: I love the doc mask idea and the story for that!! Very awesome!! Do you have a favorite tattoo artist or parlor?

Exning: When I was younger, we only had one tattoo shop/piercing shop where I would go to get my piercings (Inkredibles in El Centro, CA). They were always really sweet to my mother and I and when I started getting my tattoos they would always do them for really cheap. For me personally, I'm really shy and don't like talking all that much while getting tattood or before hand, and they are good about that. I've been to other places as well that are great (Marks of Art in San Jose, CA) but I don't live there anymore heh

Gnar: Very awesome!! Do you have any goals or plans for later in life?

Exning: I'm coasting right now. I work with mentally disable adults and my aunts my boss, so I can express myself however I want (I'm very lucky). I plan on a few body modifications other than tattoos. I'm in the process of stretching out my lip. After that, who knows

Gnar: Do you have any shout outs before we wrap this up?

Exning: Just to thank you for interviewing me smile It makes me happy people are still fascinated with body art and to bring more awareness helps out the culture. And hello to all the SG members hehe

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